Purigen Biosystems, Inc.


  • Webinars / Presentations
    APR 21 2022
    WEBINAR: 01a - Maximizing DNA Yields from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells for Archiving and NGS Analysis
    Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) are a crucial sample type for a broad range of research applications including profiling immune cells and serving as “normal” controls for studies of FFPE tumor tissue for oncology studies. Maximizing the DNA yield from PBMCs enables archiving and increases the number of downstream assays that can be performed. The Ionic Purification System from Purigen Biosystems leverages isotachophoresis to maximize the yield of DNA from PBMCs. During the webinar data will be presented showing significantly improved yields of DNA extracted from PBMCs ranging in cell count from 10 cells to 5 million cells. Learning Objectives: • Learn how DNA yield and quality impact downstream genomic analysis • Understand how Isotachophoresis (ITP) works and enables superior nucleic acid extraction vs legacy technologies (columns, beads, precipitation, etc.) • Evaluate data showing superior yields from ITP-based extraction • Explore options for trying out ITP in your lab
  • Webinars / Presentations
    MAR 12 2021
    WEBINAR: 01a - Simultaneous Extraction of DNA and RNA from FFPE Samples with 75% Less Hands-on Time
    The new Ionic® FFPE Complete Purification Kit from Purigen Biosystems provides simultaneous purification of DNA and RNA, including miRNA, from FFPE tissues. While most technologies use a serial approach to separately isolate DNA and RNA, this new kit enables a single, automated workflow using the Ionic® Purification System that requires 75% less hands on time.
  • Webinars / Presentations
    OCT 06 2021
    WEBINAR: 01a - Unlock the Value in Your FFPE Samples - More Nucleic Acid with Less Hands-on Time Using Isotachophoresis
    FFPE tissue samples with a low abundance of nucleic acid continue to present a challenge for cancer genomics. Such samples frequently fail to produce sufficient DNA or RNA for downstream analyses, which can impact patient care or reduce the statistical power of a study. In this workshop, we will review data that demonstrates the ability of the Ionic® Purification System to recover sufficient yields of high-quality DNA, RNA, or miRNA from FFPE tissue samples that prove challenging for conventional methods.
  • Webinars / Presentations
    NOV 19 2020
    WEBINAR: 01b - Automated Purification of DNA, RNA and miRNA from FFPE Tissue
    Researchers and clinicians continue to be challenged by FFPE tissue samples with a low abundance of high-quality nucleic acid. FFPE samples frequently fail to produce DNA or RNA with sufficient yield or quality for downstream analyses when conventional extraction methods are used. Despite efforts to optimize these labor-intensive extraction methods, extracts from FFPE samples frequently fail to qualify for next-generation sequencing or fail to yield actionable results when sequenced. In this webinar, we will review data from samples purified on the Ionic® Purification System that demonstrates the ability of the system to recover DNA, RNA, or miRNA from challenging FFPE tissue samples with sufficient yield and quality for downstream molecular analyses.
  • Webinars / Presentations
    AUG 20 2020
    WEBINAR: 01c - Get Pure RNA from FFPE Samples with Half the Effort
    The Ionic® Purification System provides automated purification of RNA, including mRNA and miRNA, from FFPE tissue samples with the new Ionic® FFPE to Pure RNA Kit. To help scientists overcome the sample prep bottleneck commonly associated with FFPE samples, the Ionic system uses a technology based on isotachophoresis to separate and concentrate nucleic acid in solution without binding to, or stripping from, a physical surface.Extract and purify 8 samples with just 5 minutes of hands-on time per sample. Co-purify both mRNA and miRNA with higher yields than column based-kits.
  • Webinars / Presentations
    JUN 09 2020
    WEBINAR: 01d - Higher Quality Nucleic Acid Extraction from FFPE Using the Ionic Purification System
    FFPE tissue and samples with a low abundance of high-quality nucleic acid represent a bottleneck in sample preparation workflows. Researchers and clinicians working with these samples are often required to use labor-intensive methods to isolate enough material for downstream analyses. Such methods often include steps with the potential to introduce bias or produce material with lower quantity and quality. In this webinar, we will be sharing data from the Purigen Ionic™ Purification System that was used to purify nucleic acid from challenging sample types including FFPE tissue and low quantities of cells. The results from quality assessments and downstream NGS will be discussed.